The Surprising Effects of Microwaving Glass Baking Dishes with Aluminum Foil

Many of us have been in a situation where we need to heat up a meal quickly, and the microwave seems like the most convenient option. However, when it comes to microwaving glass baking dishes with aluminum foil, there are some surprising effects that you should be aware of. This article will delve into the science behind these effects and provide some safety tips for microwave use.

Why is Microwaving Aluminum Foil a Problem?

Aluminum foil is a metal, and microwaves are designed to heat food, not metals. When microwaves hit the aluminum foil, they get reflected, which can cause sparks. If these sparks hit something else in the microwave — like the walls — they could cause a fire. Moreover, if the foil is crinkled so it forms any sharp edges, the electrical current running through the foil will cause sparks. If these sparks hit something else metallic in the microwave, you could end up with a fire.

What Happens to the Glass Baking Dish?

Glass baking dishes are generally safe for microwave use, as they don’t reflect the energy, but absorb it. This means that the dish will get hot during the microwaving process and can be used to heat up food evenly. However, if the glass dish is covered with aluminum foil, the foil will reflect the microwaves and the dish will not heat up properly. This could lead to unevenly heated food.

What are the Potential Dangers?

Aside from the risk of starting a fire, there are other potential dangers to consider. For instance, if the aluminum foil is not completely flat and has any sharp edges, these edges can create sparks. If these sparks hit something else in the microwave, like a glass dish, they could cause the dish to crack or shatter. Additionally, the superheated air and metal can cause severe burns if they come into contact with your skin.

What are the Safe Alternatives?

If you need to cover a dish in the microwave, it’s better to use a microwave-safe cover, a plate, or a paper towel. These materials won’t reflect the microwaves and won’t create a risk of sparks or fire. If you need to use aluminum foil for cooking, it’s better to use it in a conventional oven.


While it might seem like a quick solution, microwaving aluminum foil can be dangerous and should be avoided. Instead, use microwave-safe alternatives to heat your food safely and effectively. Remember, safety should always be your top priority when cooking or heating food.